Tag: Parenthood

  • Autistic parenthood: Living with mum guilt

    Autistic parenthood: Living with mum guilt

    Content note: transphobia, death, grief, mentions of assault and murder, trauma. I’ve been struggling with a lot of things lately and it all centres around being a mum and not feeling good enough for the job. My feelings of mum guilt is massive. I feel I’m not doing enough for Little Man. I feel guilty…

  • Autistic parenthood: Who am I?

    Autistic parenthood: Who am I?

    I’ve been off the last few weeks, not really feeling myself, I’m content but also really low. Nothing has been interesting me, I just get up do whatever I’m doing and then wait for bed time, to get up and do it all again. I have lots of projects ending, projects beginning, lots of waiting…

  • Living with Seasonal Affective Disorder

    Living with Seasonal Affective Disorder

    Content warning: poor mental health. During the winter (which seems to be an ever-growing season in the UK) I am a husk of myself, a sad, low energy person who wants to crawl into a hole and sleep for a long time. I hate the darkness, the cold, the drab lifeless streets, the wind and…

  • Autistic parenthood: I wasn’t ready for this!

    Autistic parenthood: I wasn’t ready for this!

    Until I became a parent I didn’t quite knew how much having a child would completely turn my life upside down. In the blink of an eye I went from a single person to a wife, from an individual to a mother. I created the most amazing person and I was not ready for his…

  • Autistic parenthood: sensory overload

    Autistic parenthood: sensory overload

    Sometimes parenting as an Autistic person looks like this… My ear defenders now live on the hook in the hall. They’re no longer secreted away until I need them for an activity with big noisy crowds. They are front and centre in the hallway. They need to be easy access because I never know when…