Tag: #MentalHealth

  • Alexithymia: emotional processing ‘gone wrong’

    Alexithymia: emotional processing ‘gone wrong’

    An example of my experience with alexythima… This morning I woke up feeling a feeling. It felt like a big feeling but I couldn’t explain what is was let alone what it meant. I went on with my day with this weird feeling sitting somewhere in my stomach and chest. I fed little man, put…

  • My relationship with OCD

    My relationship with OCD

    Content warning: abuse, cPTSD, intrusive thoughts, self harm. I don’t talk about my OCD very often. Its a very difficult thing to talk about. It sounds both baffling, ridiculous and very scary, and that’s because it is. I have several intrusive thoughts, from one or two a day to near constant. I think about old…